Should your data be on the cloud?

At this point, we’ve all heard of the cloud.

To some, the cloud has become an integral part of their organization and is widely used across teams.

Others are only scratching the surface of what cloud-based technology can do. \n One of the most important ways to use the cloud is for data storage. Storing data on the cloud is more secure, accessible across your organization, and allows for automation. Centralizing all data on the cloud also opens doors to statistical analysis and machine learning.

However, there is a high barrier to entry to leverage the cloud. Custom solutions are expensive and overly complicated. To build a custom cloud data solution, you need software and systems engineers and database administrators. These technical teams not only come with a high price tag but also take time away from your business team to design and implement a solution.

Existing software solutions are expensive, hard to implement, and more customized than most businesses need.

What if you wanted the benefits of the cloud without breaking the books, having to hire people, and creating a massive organizational change management initiative?

Welcome to Ranger!

Ranger is the first plug-and-play, zero-technical expertise required option for getting the benefits of the cloud easily and at a reasonable price. Download it now here and try it for free.

Contact us for free help getting set up or for any other questions.