
Ranger is a no-code solution for sharing data across your organization.

Ranger allows teams to create and manage a cloud database all from within Excel. With Ranger a user can take ranges of data—Blocks—within their workbook and connect them to a cloud database. By uploading or updating Blocks, users make it possible for other members of their organization to use and access that data.

Ranger helps you keep you centralize data to make it available across your organization, increasing automation and collaboration, all while protecting your data against corruption and providing version control.

Blocks exist within Reports. Each Report can contain multiple Blocks of data—ranges that the user wants to sync with the database. Reports are either Edit-Only, meaning the user can send new Block data from their workbook to the database, or Read-Only, meaning the user can pull data from the database into the Blocks in their workbook.

As data changes over time, users with Edit-Only Reports can push their updated Block values to the database. These Updates are how Ranger enforces version control. Any user can see who updated a report and when. Users with Read-Only reports can choose to download the latest Update data into their Blocks.

Complex data management often requires multiple versions of the same data. That’s why Ranger allows users to create multiple versions of their Reports. Different versions are specified by Parameters that the user defines. Parameters allow the user to differentiate their forecasts by As Of Date, their sales metrics by Product Line, their historical data by Quarter, or any other differentiators the user chooses. Ranger focuses on being flexible and Parameters let the user make Ranger work for them.

If you have any more questions, check out the how to documentation linked, below or reach out to customer support at [email protected]
